Dementia care

What is dementia?

Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning — thinking, remembering, and reasoning — to such an extent that it interferes with a person's daily life and activities. There are different stages of dementia with different symptoms.

Symptoms of dementia may include:

  • Memory loss, especially for more recent events
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Difficulty finding words or communicating
  • Problems with visual and spatial abilities
  • Difficulty with planning and organising
  • Mood changes (anxiety, depression, irritability)
  • Personality changes
  • Hallucinations / seeing things that aren't there
  • Inappropriate behaviour or paranoia

Is living at home a good option for those with dementia?

Planning care for someone with dementia often raises concerns about the limited options available and the feeling that residential care may be inevitable. However, research shows that high-quality care at home can significantly stabilise symptoms; in particular recognition, awareness of surroundings and identity etc. This makes it desirable for the individual (where possible and for as long as possible) to live in their home and receive the support they need; particularly if their dementia is in its early to mid stages.

What's included in our at home dementia care 

We provide specialised and tailored dementia care, to support individuals to live at home successfully and have a good quality of life. This includes:

  • Emotional support, respite care and personal care
  • Promoting independence (supporting the individual to keep doing things for themselves that they are able to do).
  • Help with maintaining a safe home environment
  • Advice on adaptations
  • Free dementia awareness sessions
  • And a dementia support programme focusing on cognitive stimulation, physical activity, and social interaction. 
  • Nutrition advice

We welcome all enquiries. Please get in touch to discuss your needs. Call 01305 534070 or use our contact us form.

Dementia care is support which helps people with dementia manage their symptoms and continue with their lives, activities and interests as much as possible.

Frequently asked questions

Our caregivers will help the individual to feed themselves as much as is possible. Patience is needed with Dementia sufferers as often they may refuse food and drink. Our caregivers will be patient, kind and understanding and spend appropriate time helping with feeding. 

Any serious issues will be reported back so that further action may be taken such as requesting meal replacement drinks be prescribed or a swallow test be conducted.

Our caregivers are highly trained; especially where conditions such as Dementia are concerned. There are seven stages of dementia, each with their challenges. We will talk to the family as well as understand the dementia diagnosis the individual has received. We will find out what they are able to do and what they struggle with and the care and support given will be sensitive and responsive to their individual needs.

Our caregivers can also report back to nominated family members on any changes observed such as mood, functional skills etc.

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